*140,23 The long, large vein you removed runs up the middle of the abdomen, just under the muscles. >S(11),146,141 *141,23 It carries blood from the lower body to the heart. >S(11),146,142 *142,23 The ventral vein is part of the circulatory system. Arteries carry blood from the heart, delivering oxygen. >S(11),146,143 *143,23 Veins bring the used blood back. >B(10),146,0 >E(11),146,144 *144,23 Most veins, such as the posterior vena cava, carry deoxygenated blood. >E(11),146,145 *145,23 The veins connecting the lungs to the heart are an exception--they carry oxygenated blood. >E(10),146,0 *146,33 Human veins are a lot like frog veins, only much longer and wider. >S(01),0,147 *147,33 A human's largest veins are as wide as a leopard frog's entire thigh. >B(00),0,0 >E(01),0,148 *148,33 Most frog and human veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. >E(01),0,149 *149,33 If, for example, blood starts flowing back down a leg, the valves will shut the vein. >E(00),0,0 *1000